Will the real me please stand up?

I’m going to tell you a secret only my close family knows. Most of my friends don’t know this. They might even argue with me. Are you ready? I’m an introvert. I know that’s popular to say these days. I’m not saying it to be popular. I’m saying it because it’s real.

During my teen and college years my friends became mildly alarmed if I was in a contemplative mood. If I was quiet for most of an evening, they assumed I was upset. (I wasn’t) Normally, in a group setting I feel impelled to make everyone feel comfortable and engaged. I am the one who runs around introducing people and helping them make connections. Or, I’m the one who listens to people to help them solve a problem or make a decision. Sometimes, because my personality strays to the clownish side, I throw on a lampshade and become the life of the party. (I hope you realize I didn’t mean that last statement literally). I may tell an animated anecdote complete with actions and faces. I usually come away from those situations kicking myself for being over the top. I beat myself for being too loud, too silly, too well, me. People do invite me back, so maybe I am not as obnoxious as I think I am. At home, however; I thrive on quiet.

I’ve always found this contrast in behavior perplexing. I don’t plan these crazy jaunts. I go to parties and groups planning to be quiet and listen to other people. I threaten myself and tell myself for once I will not be the entertainment. I haven’t been successful suppressing my unruly inner clown. I manage to tamp down this side of my personality in everyday situations outside of the house. Once, my husband’s boss, an older minister, said he thought I was too serious and needed to read a funny book. I laughed all the way home.

Since then, I have heard a new term “extroverted introvert.” So, it turns out I am legitimately both. Extroverts thrive on interaction with people. They are energized when they spend time in groups. Introverts are exhausted by group situations and need to go home and recharge. People like me are a little of both. I can be the embodiment of hilarity and fun for an evening; and then I must go home to a bubble bath, a candle, and the presence of God.

I can already see this blog is going to be different than I imagined. I have wrestled with what to say. I want this to be like you coming to my house. If you came to my house, I would offer you a cup of tea and a yummy treat. You would see the real me complete with tousled hair and no makeup. I would probably apologize because my latest project is scattered about and I would keep refilling your cup. I would offer you the best of anything I have. I would listen to you. If appropriate, I may offer some insight. I would do my best to encourage you and help you feel God’s love. We might pray or spend some time worshiping God. You would leave feeling refreshed and loved.

That is my goal for this blog. I will need the help of the Holy Spirit to deliver that. I hope to develop a friendship. You are a gift of God with unique plan and purpose to fulfill. Can I offer any encouragement or help along the way?

Please sign up for my emails and join my Facebook page. I won’t sell your name or send you spam. I am planning some special stuff for those who interact. Who knows? Maybe I will make you that tea and cookies!

I am a fifty something wife, and mother of 4 children. I teach the Bible, and write in a down-to-earth manner to bring essential truths to life for all ages. I especially desire to help people know God intimately for themselves.

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