It’s the most wonderful time of the year, or so the song says. But in spite of all the warmth and good cheer going around, this is often a very difficult time of year. Some folks are plagued with cares, worries, or bad memories they cannot seem to shake. Depression and even suicide are rampant this time of year because people don’t feel they can cope. They have expectations of themselves and others they believe they can’t meet. For some, it marks the anniversary of a loss or the marker for another year that didn’t produce the results they wanted. They are drowning in thoughts of anger, pain, fear, loss, and despair. There is an answer. There is hope.
It is the most wonderful time of the year. Those of us who believe God dispatched his Son to earth to restore us to right relationship with Himself, know this is the season God chose. Peace on earth, goodwill to men, was God’s idea and plan. Because we carry that hope and peace in our hearts; we can influence the world around us. There is no warm feeling of expectation and joy without love, and there is no love without God because He IS Love.
We attach many emotions and meanings to the word love. The dictionary defines love as a kindly, tender affection, a warm personal attachment, or deep affection. In Greek, there are different words for different manifestations of love making a distinction between, romantic passion, brotherly affection, and unconditional love. Human love is affection and attraction, but the only way to experience or give unconditional love is to tap into God’s well of love. The very essence of God’s love is to give. For God so loved the world that He GAVE! This is the reason that we give gifts to those we love at Christmas time.
 Our operation in genuine love, Godly love, influences those around us. It ignites a sense of expectation, warmth and well-being. People go to great lengths to generate an atmosphere that will produce those feelings, but they cannot unless they know the One who is Love. Love may produce feelings, but Love itself is not an emotion. It is the embodiment of God Himself. We carry light and love on the inside of us if we have accepted Jesus as our savior. We bring Him into every room we enter.
We can be the difference people who are hurting need. We can demonstrate the love of God, and shine the light of God’s goodness to those around us.
I encourage you to be sensitive to everyone you meet during this season. While you stand in line at a cash register or negotiate a crowded parking lot; remember that these people (who may be in your way at the moment) are people. They may be pasting a smile on an insurmountable situation or they may not even be able to do that.
While many are experiencing crushing thoughts of defeat; there is also a heightened expectation during this time of year. You may be the answer to that expectation. Instead of reacting to irritations that rub you the wrong way, consider this. A smile, yielding your place in line, a kind word, a plate of cookies, a gift to a child, a generous tip at the restaurant, or buying someone’s grocery order, are small gestures that can open a door to demonstrate God’s goodness and kindness to them.
In short, be kind!
Copyright Shauna Bagenstos
All Rights Reserved

I am a fifty something wife, and mother of 4 children. I teach the Bible, and write in a down-to-earth manner to bring essential truths to life for all ages. I especially desire to help people know God intimately for themselves.

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